Abhijay jain

Open-Source Enthusiast | Front-end Developer

A quick intro of myself, I'm Abhijay Jain from India currently pursuing B-Tech in computer science, A front-end developer, currently working with technologies like react.js and next.js. I am always curious about working on computers and websites. In addition to my studies, I have gained experience in blogging, web development, freelancing, and UI/UX development.I am an avid contributor to open-source projects and have worked with organizations such as Fossaisa, JBoss, Layer5, Mexili, P5.js-sound, Script Foundation, Open Horizon, SCoRe Labs, and EtherealEngine. I have also contributed to Open Horizon as an LFX mentee for the spring of 2022, in SCoRe Lab as a GSoC'22 student, worked with Ethereal Engine as an XROS fellow’23 and recently contributed to Uptane as a GSoC'23 student and currently working as a maintainerIn my spare time, I enjoy reviewing products and startups on ProductHunt and am also actively engaged in the no-code space, continuously learning tools such as Bubble and Appgyver to expand my skillset. I am also interested in web 3.0 and various blockchain ecosystems and enjoy documenting my learnings and also developing an interest in the field of research